I am a huge sucker for glitter nail polishes. Sometimes, though, it can be frustrating when I have a specific color in mind and either can’t find it or it’s too expensive for me to even consider.
I was in a craft store the other day and stumbled across a gorgeous display of glitter. Seeing that they were pretty cheap, I bought a few tubes and spent the next hour experimenting. I’m so happy to report that the experiment was successful! I love how I can now customize my own glitter nail polish color for a low price and in just a few minutes.
So, I decided to share my method with you! Read on to learn how you can make your own glitter nail polish:
Table of Contents
What you’ll need:
- 1 old or new bottle of clear nail polish (you can also use a suspension base, which prevents the glitter from sinking to the bottom)
- 1-2 tubes/jars of glitter
- 1 scrap piece of paper or Post-it note
- 1 toothpick
How to Make Your Own Glitter Nail Polish:
Step One
Create a funnel with the scrap piece of paper/Post-it note. Staple or tape it to help the paper maintain its form.
Step Two
Using the paper funnel, pour a tiny amount of glitter into the bottle of nail polish.
Step Three
Using the toothpick, mix in the glitter.
Step Four
Continue pouring the glitter, one small amount at a time.
Note: if you pour too much at once it might clog up and make it hard to stir.
Step Five
Add the cap back on to the polish, then shake the bottle vigorously until well-mixed. Then apply and admire your new customized glitter nail polish!
What Do You Think?
Do you like this DIY? Are you going to try it out? What are your favorite glitter color combos? Let me know in the comments below; I’d love to hear what you think!
I got a variety pack of mini glitter tubes. instead of pouring all the glitter in the bottle of polish, I dump a little polish on a disposable plate and sprinkle in as much glitter as I want! Doing that I don’t have to commit to a particular color!